Customer Relationship Summary


Cornerstone Securities is registered with the Securities and Exchange Commission as an Investment Advisor. Brokerage and investment advisory services and fees differ and it is important for you to understand these differences. Free and simple tools are available to research firms and financial professionals at, which also provides educational materials about broker-dealers, investment advisers, and investing.

What Investment services and advice can you provide me?

We offer investment advisory services to retail investors. Our advisory services include:

Portfolio Management Services include provision of continuous advice to a client or investing the client’s account based on his/her particular circumstances. We offer Portfolio Management Services on a discretionary basis. Therefore, we will buy and sell investments in your account as appropriate without requiring pre-approval on an ongoing basis. As a part of our standard service, we monitor portfolio management services client accounts at least quarterly. We have no account minimums in this service.

Through our Advisor referral Services, we act as a solicitor on behalf of various independent registered investment advisers, also known as Third Party Asset Managers. Based on a client’s individual circumstances and needs, we will assist the client in determining which independent adviser’s portfolio management services are appropriate. The Third Party Asset Manager will have discretion to select and manage the investments in the portfolio pursuant to the stated objectives. Some Third Party Asset Managers may have account minimum requirements.

The goal of Financial Planning Services is to provide a comprehensive evaluation of a client’s current and future financial state by using currently known variables to estimate future cash flows, asset values, and withdrawal plans. Through the financial planning process, a wide range of questions, information and analysis are considered as they impact and are impacted by the entire financial and life situation of the client.

Our investment advisory services are not limited to a certain menu of products or investments.

Additional Information. For additional information, please see items 4 and 7 of our Form ADV, Part 2A or Items 4A and 5 of Part 2A Appendix 1.

Conversation Starter: Ask your financial professional…

What fees will I pay?

Asset-based fees. For portfolio management services, you will pay an on-going fee at the end of each quarter based on the value of the account. The asset-based fee reduces the value of your account and will be deducted from your account. Some investments (such as mutual funds) impose additional fees that will reduce the value of your investment over time. Our fees vary and are negotiable. The amount you pay will depend, for example, on the services you receive and the amount of assets in your account. The more assets you have in the account, including cash, the more you will pay us in fees. We therefore have an incentive to encourage you to increase the amount of assets in your account. You pay our fee either quarterly or monthly even if you do not buy or sell investments in your account.

An asset-based fee may cost more than a transaction-based fee, but you may prefer an asset-based fee if you want continuing advice or want someone to make investment decisions for you.

Additional Information: You will pay fees and costs whether you make or lose money on your investments. Fees and costs will reduce any amount of money you make on your investments over time. Please make sure you understand what fees and costs you are paying. For additional information, please see Items 4 and 7 of our ADV, Part 2A or Items 4.a and 5 of Form ADV, Part 2A Appendix 1, as appropriate.

Conversation Starter: Ask your financial professional…

  • Help me understand how these fees and costs might affect my investments. If I give you $10,000 to invest, how much will go to fees and costs, and how much will be invested for me?

What are your legal obligations to me when providing recommendations as my investment adviser? How else does your firm make money and what conflicts of interest do you have?

When we act as your investment adviser, we have to act in your best interest and not put our interest ahead of yours. At the same time, the way we make money creates some conflicts with your interests. You should understand and ask us about these conflicts because they can affect the investment advice we provide you. Here are some examples to help you understand what this means.

Conversation Starter: Ask your financial professional…

Additional Information. For additional information, please see items 4 and 7 of our Form ADV, Part 2A or Items 4A and 5 of Part 2A Appendix 1.

How do your financial professionals make money?

Our investment advisor professionals may be compensated:

  1. Based on the amount of assets they service and therefore earn higher compensation for investing more of your money and/or
  2. Through an hourly fee and therefore can earn higher fees the more time they spend with a client.

Do you or your financial professionals have legal or disciplinary history?

Yes, our firm has disciplinary history addressed in our Form ADV. Visit for a free and simple search tool to research us and our financial professionals.

Conversation Starter: Ask your financial professional…..

Additional Information:

You can request a copy of the relationship summary by calling us at 913-538-5483.

Conversation Starter: Ask your financial professional…

Who is my primary contact person? Is he or she a representative of an investment adviser? Who can I talk to if I have concerns about how this person is treating me?